❣✖️Teen Wolf✖️❣

Teen Wolf es definitivamente, mi serie favorita. Comencé a verla desde hacía tres o dos años y cada vez que la veo me siento emocionada, y con cada escena tienes un sinfín de emociones. Explora este tablero y enamórate. -Mariana✖️
1,828 Pins
OMG #scottmccall #isaaclahey #teenwolf
Isaac not being able to control his emotions about Alison's death effected me MORE than Alison's actual death. Teen Wolf.
Tell me who did it? #sterek #edit #manip
Rosetta Stone: The Best App To Learn Spanish Immersively - Rosetta Stone
Teen Wolf. Finally I get the joke!! hahaha. When I saw it in Spanish for the first time I couldn't see any sense... #learn #spanish #kids
Stiles And McCall
Teen Wolf - Scott & Stiles - BROTP amazingly accurate description of their…
Teen Wolf. I'm so happy someone finally used this song. Whenever I listens to it it reminds me of werewolves or teen wolf.