Henri Cartier-Bressen

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Mr. Kate - What’s My Aesthetic? Glam Boho Apartment Makeover
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Mr. Kate - What’s My Aesthetic? Glam Boho Apartment Makeover
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Mr. Kate - What’s My Aesthetic? Glam Boho Apartment Makeover
Cartier-Bresson: A master's black-and-white world
This image taken by Henri Cartier Bresson captures line from the left hand corner leading the eyes down the stairs to the movement by the person on the bike.
Portraits by Henri Cartier-Bresson
CHE GUEVARA - 1963 Washingtonpost.com: Portraits by Henri Cartier-Bresson
This is another one of Henri Cartier-Bresson images. (I can't find the name of this image) This image uses a similar technique to HCB other image (Gare Saint Lazare) the fast shutter speed, the silhouetted figure and the reflective surface. This is why I incorporated this image into my Pinterest.
Awesome Photos of Photographers in The Past
Henri Cartier-Bresson by René Burri, 1959 * It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera. They are made with the eye, heart and head.”