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Cepillado en seco para tu cuerpo. Limpia, suaviza, tonifica y reduce la celulitis.
Temporariamente Indisponível
Magenta & deep brown smokey eye (check out her site for step-by-step tutorials. Even though it's in Spanish, it's still easy to see what she's doing!)
Eye make-up. Black out with a touch of dark brown on the sides and gold/creme for the eye lids! Beautiful!!
This Has To Be The Prettiest Makeup Ideas That Might Inspire You
Makeup Idea @}-,-;--
How to Contour and Highlight | PreOwned Wedding Dresses
Tried it! Evening Primrose Oil
Every woman should be taking Evening Primrose Oil. Great Anti-Aging supplement. Will see major improvement in skin tightening and preventing wrinkles. Helps with hormonal acne, PMS, weight control, chronic headaches, menopause, endometriosis, joint pain, diabetes, eczema, MS, infertility, hair, nails, and scalp.