WordPress Editors' Picks

A selection of editors' picks published across the WordPress community.
81 Pins
(He Was To Remember) Iced Banana Pie
"The prose is so thick that to me it has the closeness of a summer day; you can feel yourself choking on the humidity, feel the grit of Macondo sticking to the back of your neck, and all you want to do is lie on the tile floor, eat a banana, and sweat." Honoring literature with pie -- a frozen banana pie, for "One Hundred Years of Solitude," at https://thepiebrary.com.
Chernobyl: 30 Years On
"It was ten minutes dominated by the ghosts of young lives, cruelly destroyed by radiation, upheaval, trauma." Peter Zarko-Flynn documents Chernobyl in a series of photo essays, 30 years after the disaster (https://pzfphotography.com/chernobyl).
Your Phone Was Made By Slaves: A Primer on the Secret Economy - Longreads
On the new triangle trade, and the surprising connection between modern slavery and ecological disaster.
thanks, mr. jobs.
"It must have brought back the memory of being a young man, seeing his first child and holding her for the first time; now, here he was 50 years later, holding her in those same hands." https://myswede.wordpress.com/2014/09/12/4/
Catharsis of Mundanity
"I am always looking for signs to show me that I’m actually here. That I’ve actually done something. I write on my typewriter and cherish the full page that was once blank. I covered it with ink, hammer-stroke after tiny hammer-stroke. I did that. I am here. I am alive." (https://oneaardvark.wordpress.com)
Beyoncé, Hillary, and ‘The Good Wife’: The Power of Women Scorned
Jennifer K. Armstrong (https://jenniferkarmstrong.com) connects the dots on powerful women publicly dealing with cheating. "Their version flips the script on the trope of the pathetic doormat who suffers through her man’s infidelity silently."
Watercolor reportage: The Women’s March Paris
Jessie Kanelos Weiner at https://thefrancofly.com shares watercolor reportage from the Women's March in Paris.
Private Site
"And in so doing, we all know exactly how Brock became the man he became. He became the man he was raised to be." (https://alyssaroyse.wordpress.com)
Coachella, Underground - Longreads
At Longreads, journalist Gabriel Thompson reports on the real people of California's Coachella Valley in "Coachella, Underground." #longreads
Rape culture
A comic by Wellington-based artist, writer, and mother Sarah Laing (https://sarahelaing.com) on rape culture.
"Some people have a 401K to secure their financial future. I have a letter of apology from Anna Wintour." A fourteen-year-old model sees the softer side of the devil in Prada. (https://luluwrites.net)
Homes of Calais
Tents inside a warehouse in 'The Jungle,' the camp where hundreds of migrants are living in Calais, France, from where they try to cross the English Channel to make it to the United Kingdom. Photograph by Mary Turner.
An Open Letter to Vice Media’s Natasha VC and to Anyone Else Who Thinks I’m Lying
An Open Letter to Vice Media’s Natasha VC and to Anyone Else Who Thinks I’m Lying (https://leifegreenz.com).
Snarcasm: Let's Talk About How the Oscars Don't Matter (Again) - Jon Negroni
Snark and sarcasm: Jon Negroni comments on the 2016 Academy Awards.
How Do We Write Now? - Tin House
At Tin House, poet and essayist Patricia Lockwood writes a beautiful piece on writing in an age of toxicity and distractions online. #PoweredByWordPress