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25 Pins
Vocabulario juan y las habichuelas mágicas
Vocabulario juan y las habichuelas mágicas
João e o Pé de Feijão- Relacione
Atividades para relacionar números a cores e colorir os personagens da história. Imagens LittleRed's ClipArt
Vocabulario juan y las habichuelas mágicas
Vocabulario juan y las habichuelas mágicas
Jack and the Beanstalk Printable Pattern Pieces - From ABCs to ACTs
Creating patterns is a lot of fun with these printable Jack and the Beanstalk pieces. Read the story and practice those early math skills at the same time!
Teaching Resources & Lesson Plans | Teachers Pay Teachers
$5 - Integrated unit: More Fun with Jack & the Beanstalk. Literacy centers, science centers, and math activities.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk – Kindergarten Nana