Imagenes Espirituales

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The moment we realize that the Universe is in our hands,we’ll understand that “good” or “bad” doesn’t exist. Only moments of learning and celebrating. Being in control of our mind and emotions everything falls into place.
The CADUCEUS, universal medical symbol. It is also the staff of HERMES and (Tut)moses. This symbol represents the awakened KUNDALINI also known as the DIVINE SERPENT or NAGA.
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The light you shine from within, can very well be the light that is needed to awaken those around you. Be a beacon for those in the dark.
Path to Infinity by arisechicken117 on DeviantArt
“Within each of us is a light, awake, encoded in the fibers of our existence. Divine ecstasy is the totality of this marvelous creation experienced in the hearts of humanity” ― Tony Samara
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