
20 Pins
The Ultimate 6 Minute Abs Workout to Trim and Slim [AWESOME Results!]
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Give your body some attention and take up this 30 day abs and squat challenge and boost your core, leg and butt muscles and body strength to the max! The three workouts involved in this challenge will certainly assist you achieve those hot abs and lower body. Build up your core muscle till you reach your goal on the 30th day! #correres #deporte #sport #fitness #running
Simply Supplements España
7 ejercicios para reducir grasa en cintura vía @SimplySuppsES
Reto: 30 días de abdominales
Hola! El verano ya esta aquí y con el vienen las tardes de alberca, las faldas, los shorts y para algunas tambien la playa. Pero no siempre...
reto sentadillas de 30 días Reto fitness de sentadillas de 30 dias. http://www.bienestarfitness.com/fitness/reto-sentadillas-30-dias/ #retofitness30dias #reto30dias #fitness #sentsadillas