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Optavia Life on Instagram: “Creamy Chicken and Spinach Bake Makes 3 servings Each serving provides: 1 lean 2 condiments 1 green Ingredients: 3 cups Fresh Express…”
Cilantro Lime Tilapia with Grilled Summer Squash OPTAVIA Lean & Green
30min · 2 servings Light and flavorful, this NEW Lean & Green recipe features baked tilapia with a zesty cilantro lime sauce and a side of grilled squash and peppers. Colorful, good-for-you, and tasty! Developed by The Culinary Institute of America Consulting*, this recipe makes 2 complete Lean & Green meals (1 Leanest, 2 Healthy Fats, 3 Green, 3 Condiments per serving). Ingredients: 4, (4-oz.) tilapia fillets ½ cup finely chopped fresh cilantro 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh mint 1 tsp finely chopped jalapeno pepper 2 tsp lime juice ½ tsp ground cumin ½ tsp kosher salt 4 tsp extra virgin olive oil 1 small zucchini, cut horizontally into ¼-inch thick slices 1 small yellow squash, cut horizontally into ¼-inch thick slices 1 large red bell pepper, cut into quarters 1/8 ts
Chicken Parmesan Meatballs with Spaghetti Squash
Optavia Lean And Green Meal Recipes - Infoupdate.org
Gefilte Fish
45min · 4 servings Ingredients: 1½ lbs. cod, skin removed 2 large eggs 1 tsp salt, divided 2 scallions, finely minced 4 cups low sodium chicken stock 2¾ cup thinly sliced celery 2¾ cup thinly sliced kohlrabi ½ cup fresh parsley, cut coarsely 1 tbsp horseradish 1 cup sour cream Directions: 1. Cut the fish into small pieces and place in a food processor with ¾ teaspoon of salt; chop into a coarse paste. Alternately, you can purchase ground cod. 2. Add the eggs and scallions to the fish and mix thoroughly. 3. Shape the ground fish into 12 balls, about 2 to 3 ounces each. 4. Bring the chicken stock to a boil and add 1/4 tsp of salt. Add the celery and kohlrabi, bring back to a boil, and simmer for 5 minutes. 5. Remove the vegetables from the broth with a slotted spoon and
Beef Pot Pie with Cauliflower Crust