Y el cosplay

22 Pins
Bee and PuppyCat
Bee & Puppycat Cosplay at Metrocon 2014 in Tampa, Fl.Cosplayer- JageunkrakenPhotographer- nooby-bananaBonus in Bee’s regular clothes because Florida is too ding-dang-diddly hot: You’ve got the entire wardrobe! That’s awesome! You and Puppycat look ready to take space by storm :) Thanks for sharing - keep it up jageunkraken. Have you ever cosplayed as anyone from Bee and Puppycat? Pics or it didn’t happen! Send ‘em to us! - Kiki
Attack on Titan Belts / Harness Tutorial - Part 1 by neptunyan on DeviantArt
Attack on Titan Belts / Harness Tutorial - Part 1 by neptunyan on deviantART
comic_con_2014_023: The Comic-Con 2014 Cosplay Gallery (750+ Photos) - Tested.com
BEST WARIO EVER! #SDCC San Diego Comic Con 2014
Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) 2012
Skyrim Cosplay - Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) 2012
ComicsAlliance - Comic book culture, news, humor and commentary.
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