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The NYC Special From Lainey Collum Recipe on Food52
This Coca-Cola coffee cocktail recipe is as much of a doozy (in a good way!) as it sounds: Combine Coke, coffee syrup, and sweetened condensed milk and shake.
Paprika-Feta Dip
Paprika Dip 🇩🇪Zutaten: 4 Spitzpaprika 1 Knolle Knoblauch 200g Feta 200g Frischkäse 3 El Olivenöl 2 El Honig Pfeffer Paprika Edelsüß Chiliflocken Petersilie paprika dip 🇬🇧Ingredients: 4 peppers 1 head of garlic 200g feta 200g cream cheese 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons honey pepper Sweet paprika chili flakes Parsely #paprikadip #pepperdip #aufstrich #paprikacreme #paprikarezepte #pepperrecipes #foodie #foodporn #foodstagram #healthyfood
This contains an image of: Banana mini pancakes! you just need to dip a slice of banana in the pancake mixture and fry on each
Banana mini pancakes! you just need to dip a slice of banana in the pancake mixture and fry on each
This may contain: a person holding a fork and knife over a plate of food with sauce on it
Острая морковь в медовой глазури 🥕 🥕🥕 * 3 большие моркови * 2-3 ст. л. оливкового масла * 1/2 ч. л. хлопьев чили * 50 г сливочного масла * 1 ч .л. ➡️Для йогуртового соуса: * 150 г греческого йогурта * 1 столовая ложка меда * Сок 1/2 лимона * 2 прессованных зубчика чеснока * 1/2 чайной ложки хлопьев чили * 1 столовая ложка нарезанного укропа * соль по вкусу * перец по вкусу
This may contain: the food is being cooked in the metal bowl
🤯🍿💥 Crunchy + Spicy Snack. High protein, SUPER tasty, super healthy. MADE with chickpeas
🤯🍿💥 Crunchy + Spicy Snack. High protein, SUPER tasty, super healthy. MADE with chickpeas, but tastes sooo GOOD. The PERFECT healthy snack! Tag a friend who needs this recipe now! . 👨‍🍳 Crunchy Spicy Snack Recipe 1 (15oz) can chickpeas (or 1 ½ cups cooked chickpeas) (250 g) ¼ cup (60 ml) tahini 1 Tbsp black sesame seeds 1 tsp of paprika powder ½ tsp salt . Method As always: Recipe in full detail on our Epic Mint Leaves @epicmintleaves Youtube channel 🎥 . Protein Content Total: 32.8 g plant-based protein 1 (15oz) can chickpeas, drained = 17.8 g protein 60 g tahini = 15 g protein . Follow for more 🤯 vegan recipes!
This may contain: someone is holding some food in their hand and it looks like they are ready to eat
She is making this delicious dish with SALMON
This may contain: there is a bowl with sticks in it and some other items on the table next to it
Идеи декора для куличей 🥰🥹
This may contain: a person is kneading dough on a cutting board next to other food items
Идеальный сырники с маком😻🫠
💘Ингредиенты: 1) Творог в брикете 5% - 180г (1 упаковка) 2)Желток - 1 шт. 3)Сахар - 20 г. (я не люблю сильно сладкие) 4)Мука - 15 г. (у меня рисовая) 5)Мак - 10 г. (по желанию, я обожаю) Всё хорошо перемешать до однородной пастообразной массы. Слепить сырники (на один необходимо примерно 37-40г. творожной массы). Обжарить на сковороде с двух сторон по 3 минуты на слабом огне и на капле масла. Готово, бон аппетит, сырнички☀️