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levideatelierdescreatives.com -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbsplevideatelierdescreatives Resources and Information.
DIY Couture : Réalisez un cube d’éveil
Couture: un livre pour bébé en tissu
(tuto) Que des tutoriaux: Couture: un livre pour bébé en tissu
Couldn't pin directly from source where I found it. Manualidades y Creatividad on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/manualidadesycreatividadOficial/photos/a.400771346767961.1073741828.399744340203995/541651426013285/?type=3&theater
Block zip pouch – Minki's Work Table
Un tuto de trousse pour la rentrée des classes?!
How To Recycle Old Bath Towels
Old towel and scissors was all I needed. Didn't use velcro or sew ends, I just used some rubber bands and attached the "arms" and "legs" of the H around the Swiffer.
DIY ~ How to make a tote bag that turns into a beach towel (with a pillow in it!).
LTD Commodities
Rest-N-Ride Travel Pillow - looks freaky but for anyone with kids, you know how cool this is! Not as freaky looking as the crooked neck bend those kids do when sleeping in the car!
Seat Belt Pillow
Seatbelt Pillow Tutorial Omg...somebody please make these!!!
sewn car organizer,,,need to make one! my mom made something sort of like this... works great!!