
233 Pins
This Apartment's Palette Is Full Of Greys, Black, And Wood
A sliding wood door defines this modern bathroom, while hidden lighting has been used in the floor, creating a soft glow and lighting up the mostly dark room. The white tiles help to reflect the light throughout the space.
Много разнообразной информации о мебели꞉ от идей, фотографий, дизайна до воплощения в жизнь своими руками
Высота барной стойки и барного стула.
Lumilandia - Tudo em Iluminação
Install attractive year-round lighting like this and add colored bulbs for Christmas.
Accesos Minimalistas
Blog de las mejores casas modernas, vanguardistas, minimalistas, frentes y fachadas modernas,
The Interior Of This Seattle House Opens Up To A Small Courtyard
This modern house has a wooden path that leads from the sidewalk to the front door and a courtyard that's surrounded by plants.
Paint a Room Without Making a Mess!
Prevent overspray use a cardboard box, Cut a hole in the top of box. Cover the opening w/ plastic wrap & position a shop light above to illuminate your project. use coat hangers, poked through the cardboard, to hold & rotate the objects as you’re painting them. Not only will your shop be neater, but your paint projects will now be thumbprint free.
f your tool box is like mine, you have an assortment of wrenches, but invariably need a second one for the same bolt and don't have the extra standard or metric one of the same size. Post this chart on your shop wall or tool box inner lid to help find a close wrench fit.