The gentle effects of this herbal works directly to the throat, healing its weakened functions. A cough you can refresh your throat anytime, anywhere without water. Characteristics: The gentle effects of this herbal works directly to the throat, healing its weakened functions. Protects the throat’s health, solving problems caused by the throat’s dryness. Works efficiently on throats with soreness, irritation, swelling, coughs and on phlegm symptoms. Suitable for daily use to people who care to nurture the throat. A stick packaged granule to take without water, a cough which you can refresh your throat anywhere, anytime. Refreshing mint flavor. Efficacy: Cough, phlegm, throat irritation, swelling, sore throat, and other uncomfortable throat symptoms. Dosing and Administration: take the amou Matcha Pudding, Herbal Powder, Curry Stew, Anime Home, Japan Products, Skin Care Face Mask, Solving Problems, Feminine Care, Sports Drink