
22 Pins
How to Think Visually — Cool Infographics
How to Think Visually - Blog About Infographics and Data Visualization - Cool Infographics
The 2013 Awards Are Open! - Information Is Beautiful Awards | #dataviz #visualization | Les infographies !
Types of data visualization.
Always looking for better ways to design a Gantt chart. Andy Mangold makes this handsome example.
An Infographic To Show You How Einstein Failed And Failed Again - LifeHack
An Infographic To Show You The Legendary Life Of Einstein
Brand Identity System
Brand Identity System - Infographic - - - @Liz Mester Mester Mester Mester Mester Mester Blomenkamp I LOVE this. This explains it so perfectly. This is very similar to my mind maps...
Free Flat Elements for Interface Design | Graphics Design | Graphic Design Blog
Flat Elements for Web UI Design-28
This one is obviously in a different language, but it's a game used to teach about sustainable energy and renewable resources. I like the way that it is designed and the colors that were used.