Girl Baptism / Christening Ideas

Girls’ baptism and christening ideas to create a memorable and elegant event. Discover party ideas to captivate your guests with pastel pink and gold, from printable invitations, favor tags and signs – many finished with butterfly floral themes. Find ideas to create an eye-catching day, with table decorations and centerpieces – completed with matching cakes and cookies to share with family and friends!
113 Pins
Girls Pink gold Butterfly Baptism Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦ Create a memorable event, starting with this elegant pink gold butterfly invite, perfect for a girl’s baptism party ♦ #pinkgoldbaptism #pinkbaptism #baptisminvitations #baptisminvitegirl #girlbaptism #invitations #butterflybaptism #butterfliesinvite #butterflyinvitation #girlbaptisminvite #invitationsgirl
Baby Girl Pink Butterfly Christening Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦ Create a memorable event, starting with this elegant pink gold butterfly invite, perfect for a girl’s christening party ♦ #babychristening #christeningparty #girlchristening #christeninginvites #girlinvitations #babyinvitations #babyinvitegirl #butterflyinvites #pinkchristening #goldchristening
Girls Blush Pink Gold Baptism Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦ An eye-catching invitation, creating memories for a girl's baptism - captivate your guests with this blush pink and gold cloud design ♦ #babygirlbaptism #pinkgoldbaptism #baptismprintable #baptism1stbirthday #baptismandbirthday #invitationgirl #baptismtemplate #baptismdownload
Girls Pink Gold Butterfly Christening Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦ Create a memorable event, starting with this elegant pink gold butterfly invite, perfect for a girl’s christening 1st birthday party ♦ #christeningbirthday #christeninginvites #birthdaychristening #1stbirthday #invitationsgirl #girlschristening #butterflyparty #girlchristening #pinkgoldbutterfly #christeningeditable #digitalinvitation
Girl Peach Butterfly Baptism Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦ Create a memorable celebration, starting with this elegant pink peach gold butterfly invite, perfect for a girl's baptism party ♦ #baptismprintable #baptismdownload #butterflyinvitation #butterflyprintable #girlbaptism #invitationsgirl #pinkgoldbaptism #baptismbutterfly
Girls Butterfly Baptism 3rd Birthday Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦ An eye-catching invitation for a girl’s baptism 3rd birthday, encased in pastel lilac gold butterfly design ♦ #baptism3rdbirthday #baptisminvitations #girl3rdbirthday #lilacbaptisminvite #purplebaptismparty #butterflybaptism #butterflybirthday #lavenderbaptism #invitationsgirl #baptismprintable #digitaldownload
Girls Rose Gold Boho Butterfly Christening Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦ Invite rustic charm to a girl’s christening, with bohemian butterflies and floral pampas showering the celebration ♦ #christeningeditable #invitationgirl #christeninginvites #girlchristening #rosegoldparty #blushpinkparty #butterflyinvitation #bohopampasgrass #floralbutterfly
Girls Baptism 1st Birthday Pastel Butterfly Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦ Elegant butterflies create this graceful invite for a girl’s baptism and 1st birthday, celebrating with pastel shades of pink lilac and gold ♦ #pastelbutterflies #pastelbaptism #baptisminvitegirl #baptisminvitations #1stbirthdaygir #baptismandbirthday #butterfliesinvite #butterflybaptism #butterflybirthdaygirl
Girls Christening and 1st Birthday Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦Make memories that shine with this bohemian invitation - soft blush pink and gold balloons inspire a special christening and 1st birthday celebration ♦ #christeninginvite #girlchristening #christeningbirthday #1stbirthdayinvite #christeningprint #christeningdownload #invitebabygirl #bohemian1stbirthday
Girls Pink Balloon Baptism 2nd Birthday Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦ Two Blessed! Create a memorable event, starting with this eye-catching golden blush pink invite – celebrating a girls baptism 2nd birthday ♦ #2ndbirthdayinvite #girlbaptisminvite #2ndbirthdaybaptism #twoblessed #girl2ndbirthday #baptismbirthday #blushpinkinvite #pinkgoldbirthday #pinkgoldbaptism #baptismprintable #baptismballoons
Girls Baptism 1st Birthday Balloon Invitation
Self-editable 5x7" invite - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print or send digitally ♦ Elegant balloons create this graceful invite for a girl’s baptism and 1st birthday, celebrating with pastel shades of purple, lilac and gold ♦ #lilacsilverbaptism #purplebaptism #lilacbaptism #girlbaptism #baptisminvitation #baptismballoon #girlinvitation #baptismprintable #baptismandbirthday #1stbaptismparty #baptism1stbirthday
Boys Blue Balloon Baptism Guest Book Table Sign
Self-editable 8x10” table sign - follow the link for details and free demo! ♦ Easily edit online in your browser then download and print ♦ Create striking memories, starting with this eye-catching silver and blue balloon guest book sign – celebrating a baptism or christening party ♦ #boybaptism #baptismballoons #baptismguestbook #guestbooksign #editablebaptism #baptismtablesign #boyguestbooksign #boychristening #christeningtables #guestbookprintable #bluesilverbaptism
Blush Pink Nursery Decor, Mauve Nursery Initial, Baby Name Sign, Boho Style Personalized Flower Letter, Large Floral Baby Letters
"Brighten up your nursery, kid's room, or even baby shower, bridal shower with this personalized initial floral letter. Each letter comes with a butterfly and the name of the person who will receive it. This high-quality customized 13\" tall floral letter is a perfect decoration for a bridal shower, baby shower, nursery decor, birthday party, cake table, photoshoot prop, and more. The flowers, name, and butterfly are made from high-quality cardstock paper which you can choose the color for. L