
146 Pins
Tutorials on How to Dry & Press Flowers to Embed into Resin - Nunn Design
The tutorials that I will be covering during the month of July, for Nunn Design Summer School, involve embedding pressed flowers into resin. We are confident that once you explore adding pressed flowers to resin, you will want to learn more about preserving your own pressed flowers!There is a great ...
Schmuckstücke aus Beton - Anleitung auf deschdanja.ch
Conrete Jewelry Lust darauf mit Schmuck Geld zu verdienen? www.silandu.de Mehr
How to Use Organics in Open Back Bezels with Nunn Design 2-Part Resin - Nunn Design
Learn how to prepare organics to add into Nunn Design 2-Part Resin with these helpful tips. Visit the blog for a full tutorial: http://www.nunndesign.com/6-tips-on-how-to-prepare-embed-organics-in-nunn-design-2-part-resin-videos/#sthash.PTlPGzKB.dpbs
Diy Beauty Banq
Kostenlose Anleitung: Origami Faltlampe selbermachen, perfektes Weihnachtsgeschenk / free diy tutorial: make your own origami lamp via DaWanda.com