Spanish Quotes

The best Spanish quotes from the most notable Spanish personalities. Las mejores citas en Español de las mas notables personalidades de habla Español.
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Spanish has a long list of terms of endearment you can use to call your loved ones. In this article, let’s have a look at the most popular nicknames to express your affection for your male or female sweetheart or your child.
Popular Spanish Proverbs
Learn some of the most popular Spanish proverbs + when you can use these quotes to impart some wisdom to whoever needs it! #SpanishProverbs #SpanishQuotes
Learn Spanish In The Right Way - My Daily Spanish
#SpanishQuote "No estudio para saber mas, sino para ignorar menos" / "i don't study to know more, but to ignore less" JUANA INEZ DE LA CRUZ. Do you want more? Go to and download a copy of 100 Days of Spanish Words and Expressions. It's TOTALLY FREE!
"Ninguna persona merece tus lagrimas, y quien se las merece no te hará llorar" / "no person deserves your tears, and whoever deserves it will not make you cry" GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ . Do you want more? Go to and download a copy of 100 Days of #SpanishWords and Expressions. It's TOTALLY FREE!
Spanish Vocabulary and Expressions Category in My Daily Spanish
"Hablar poco, pero mal, ya es mucho hablar" / "Talking little, but badly, is already talking too much" - ALEJANDRO CASONA. Follow My Daily Spanish on Pinterest for your weekly list of cool Spanish quotes from famous Spanish personalities. #Quotes #Spanish #LearnSpanish
A Playlist of Best Spanish Songs: Listen for Free
"No hay espejo que mejor refleje la imagen del hombre que sus palabras" / "There's no mirror that better reflects the image of a man than his own words" - Juan Luis Vives. Do you want more? Go to and download a copy of 100 Days of #SpanishWords and Expressions. It's TOTALY FREE!
Learn Spanish In The Right Way - My Daily Spanish
#SpanishQuote "La libertad no necesita alas, lo que necesita es hechar raices" Freedom does not need wings, needs roots - OCTAVIO PAZ Learning Spanish? Go to This website will help you make a fun habit out of #learningSpanish.
"Si vivir es solo soñar, hagamos el bien soñando" / "if living is just dreaming, let's do good by dreaming" AMADO NERVO. Follow My Daily Spanish on Pinterest for your weekly list of cool Spanish quotes from famous Spanish personalities. #Quotes #Spanish #LearnSpanish
Learn Spanish In The Right Way - My Daily Spanish
"Amor y deseo son dos cosas diferentes; que no todo lo que se ama se desea, ni todo lo que se desea se ama" / "love and desire are two different things; that not everything you love is desire, not everything you desire is loved" MIGUEL DE CERVANTES. Learning Spanish? Go to This website will help you make a fun habit out of learning Spanish.
Food is always an awesome topic regardless of which language you speak. To help you discuss Spanish food and drinks using the Spanish language, check out this list of Spanish food and drinks vocabulary. The full list--from comfort food to meats, spices, seasonings, and more, are here. You can also download the free PDF!
Learn Spanish In The Right Way - My Daily Spanish
"Cada uno muestra lo que es en los amgios que tiene" / "Each shows what it is in the friends it has" BALTASAR GRACI. Do you want more? Go to and download a copy of 100 Days of Spanish Words and Expressions. It's TOTALLY FREE!
Learn Spanish In The Right Way - My Daily Spanish
"Lo peor que hacen los malos es obligarnos a dudar de los buenos" / "The worst thing that bad guys do is force us to doubt the good ones" JACINTO BENAVENTE. Learning Spanish? Go to This website will help you make a fun habit out of #learningSpanish.
Common Spanish Stereotypes
"Nunca me enfado por lo que la gente me pide, sino por lo que me niega" / "I never become upset because of the things people ask me for, but because of the things they deny to me" - Antonio Cánovas del Castillo. Do you want more? Go to and download a copy of 100 Days of Spanish Words and Expressions. It's TOTALY FREE!
Spanish Culture Category Archives in My Daily Spanish
"Tenemos dos fuerzas que nos ayudan a vivir: el olvido y la esperanza" / "We've got two forces that help us live: forgetting and hope" - Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Learning Spanish? Go to This website will help you make a fun habit out of #learningSpanish.
Common Spanish Stereotypes
"Nunca me enfado por lo que la gente me pide, sino por lo que me niega" / "I never become upset because of the things people ask me for, but because of the things they deny to me" - Antonio Cánovas del Castillo. Do you want more? Go to and download a copy of 100 Days of Spanish Words and Expressions. It's TOTALY FREE!