
177 Pins
Why do you need competition when you are always aligning the body,mind and life energy for your own betterment.
what yoga teaches us and that's why I like it so much. (Before I started with yoga I always thought it's boring and lame well I was proven wrong)
13 Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss
Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss | Yoga to Lose Weight | Yoga Poses for Weight Loss |
10-minute yoga sequence you can do anywhere
Try doing these easy yoga poses to boost your mood. This workout routine just takes 10-minutes and it's effective.
Yoga para bajar de peso nivel INTERMEDIO/AVANZADO | Clase 5
Yoga para bajar de peso nivel INTERMEDIO | Clase 5
20-Minute Beginner Yoga Workout For Flexibility
This is great yoga for beginners who aren't yet flexible enough for advanced yoga poses. See the workout at
20-Minute Beginner Yoga Workout For Flexibility
Get flexible fast with this yoga workout for beginners!
The Gold Challenge - JOYFUL scribblings
Meditation, because some questions can't be answered by Google. #wisdom #affirmations #meditation