Cleaning and more

17 Pins
A Mum 'n the Oven
Whaaaaaa??? 7 cups water, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/3 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup vinegar
Homemade Febreze
Homemade Febreze: What you'll need: 1/8 Cup of fabric softener (I used Downy April Fresh) 2 tablespoons Baking Soda Hot tap water Spray bottle (I used my empty 27 oz. Febreze bottle) combine all in bottle, shake well and use! AWESOME!
No More Dryer Sheets OR Fabric Softener.
THIS REALLY WORKS AND LAUNDRY IS SUPER SOFT!!! Soak a hand towel in fabric softener. Squeeze out any remaining drops from the towel. Hang it over a chair (or outside on a clothes line) to dry. My house smelled super clean for the three days while this towel was drying completely. Yes, it took three days! You must make sure it dries completely! After the towel dries you just throw it in your dryer along with clothes and use it as a dryer sheet for 40-50 loads before soaking again.
Floor Grease Cutter Cleaner Recipe -
ONLY use this and it leaves floor spotless. (Heavy duty floor cleaner recipe: ¼ cup white vinegar 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap ¼ cup baking soda 2 gallons tap water, very warm.) Done this, works super well and leaves everything smelling amazing.
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers: Creative Uses For These Household Cleaning Blocks That Truly Work Magic!
Love these sneaky little things!! So many uses for Magic Erasers - even ones you never knew about! Seriously, I didn't even finish reading the list...there are a TON of uses!
How to clean a microfiber couch
How to clean a microfiber couch - seriously needed to know this!
3 Ways to Remove Mildew Smell from Towels - wikiHow
How to Remove Mildew Smell from Towels
28 Practical Uses for Blue Dawn Dish Soap
Blue dawn dish liquid does some amazing Bubbles; removes hair product build up; MANICURE SECRET; Repel Houseplant insects; CLEAN YOUR WINDOWS;Use it to bathe the dogs. It kills fleas on contact and is much cheaper than expensive dog shampoos. Ice pack; repel ants; UNCLOG TOILETS; Keep poision ivy from spreading; Shower floor cleaner and more....
The Handmade Dress Infomercial: Do you suffer from scrached DVD's?
Another pinner says:" I just did this and it WORKS! Not once did it skip!!! And it was a bad DVD before hand." Just use Kids Crest on it
How to Clean a Washing Machine (Front Load or Top Loader)
cleaning ur washing machine
How To Clean A Microwave With Vinegar & Steam
2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar... Microwave in a bowl for 5 minutes, then scrub it clean!