
8 Pins
I’m Gonna Ship This Shit Forever
guinea pig cake- Totally getting this for my birthday- but I wouldn't want to eat the cute little piggy
The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (for guinea pigs with extra needs) | Northampton
When you are looking for a family pet which is not only extremely cute, but easy to have, then look no further than a pet bunny.
Edible Veggie Cake I made for my guinea pigs!
Maya's Pasta: Edible Veggie Cake I made for my guinea pigs!
Bunnies enjoying the new top level
I am starting this for Winnie.. use organizer cubes as walls for a rabbit habitat. Hold walls together and carpet/grass to the floor with zip ties. Use a shower liner around the bottom to protect flooring.
Botella llena de heno, truco para que no esparza el heno y lo tenga recojido.