Real Life

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So beautiful I have a big camera with 2 lenses ..i think if really like to take up a photograph class learn how to use it better and take fantastic photos like this ..sigh...i love photos
¿Por dónde empiezo? - Iniciación a la Fotografía
"O comandante olhou (...) Florentino Ariza, seu domínio invencível, seu amor…
"He might be only part of your life, for him, you are his everything, the only person in his whole life." I love this quote!!
96 Year Old Indian Woman India Day Parade NYC 2011 2 by Robert Ullmann
Viejita: 96 años Más
19 Fotos Que Representan La Inocencia De Los Niños Pequeños
19 Fotos Que Representan La Inocencia De Los Niños Pequeños
thomas toft, el movimiento de la calle | lamono magazine