
105 Pins
Chic Holiday Collection for Christmas Cards + Gifts : Saffron Avenue
Chic Holiday Collection for Christmas Cards + Gifts : Saffron Avenue : Holiday Stationery, Wax seals, Modern Wax Seals, Holiday Gift Wrapping, Christmas Cards, Envelope Calligraphy, Chic
Har verkligen fått dille på lacksigill, hur fint blir det inte?! 😍🌲 kommer såklart också finnas i webbshoppen som öppnar imorgon 🙏🏻 . .…
Botanical Tales dried flowers - From Britain with Love
Love botanical tales dried flower wreaths and wreath making workshops as well as botanical crafts and DIY craft tutorials like this simple rusticdried flower mini wreath - follow the simple DIY tutorial step by steps to make this forget me not jam jar natural flower mobile & simple wreath ideas or buy ready made, mini wreaths. Click through to get all the info you need #driedflowers #botanical #craft #wreath #workshops #flowercrowns #frombritainwithlove
“This year I hope you love a little bolder, laugh a little louder, stand a little taller, be a little braver, dream a little bigger, and make the world a little brighter.”
Gift wraps ~ Carolyne Roehm!
Gift wraps ~ Carolyne Roehm! by marjorie
à la parisienne: Gift Wrap with a Dash of Shabby Chic