decorcion de coupage

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Awesome Way to Build Bench for A Dining Table Set A detailed way to build awesome bench design for dinning table set which anybody would love to make if you are into DIY woodworking. FREE downloadable e-book with detailed steps to make secret door bookcase DIY project.
This may contain: a person is holding onto a plate with flowers on it
Plain Tray gets a French Country Makeover using IOD and Dixie Belle #iod #transfers #thriftflip
Difficulty: Medium Materials: • Tray • Dixie Belle Buttercream & Vintage Duck Egg chalk mineral paint • Gloss clear coat • Grunge glaze • Iron Orchid Design Floral Anthology and Brocante Transfers
This may contain: three buckets with flowers in them sitting on a wooden table next to some grass
Jarritas recicladas
¡Decorá tu jardin!
This may contain: an image of a glass jar with flowers painted on it and the words frascos efecto espejo viejo
Efecto espejo 💕 sobre vidrio @tallerdehacer
Difficulty: Easy Frascos efecto espejo avejentado Frasco de vidrio • Pegamento para decoupage • Purpurina Plata y grafito • Algodón • Pincel
This may contain: a white toilet paper roll sitting on top of a counter
Decoupage hecho con papel higiénico!!!!
Difficulty: Easy Materiales • Lata reciclada de duraznos • pinturas a la tiza de @ohmychalk • Sellos de @sweetartlaser • puntillas de @puntillas.coyal • papel higiénico • mod podge para pegar el decoupage
Latinhas de refrigerante para decorar. Ideia de artesanato com reciclagem fácil de fazer. Os materiais da @transfix_hobbyart tu encontras lá no site do @escutaoveio . Usa o cupom AMAG5 nas tuas compras!