
The power of vibrations! - Awesome
Amuletos para el hogar, protección y prosperidad - WeMystic
5 fantásticos amuletos para el hogar, atraer protección y prosperidad
Descubre tus poderes con el péndulo, Radiestesia. Como usar el péndulo. - Vida Ok
El péndulo ayuda a tomar decisiones.
Om: sacred sound of the universe; vibrates through all existence, reminds us of our own ability to find inner peace
Natural Healing Therapies
Everything in the universe is energy. Nothing is actually solid. Instead objects are made up of microscopic particles vibrating at such a fast rate that they appear solid. Vibrational Therapy, also called Vibrational Medicine and Energy Medicine, is based on the scientific principles that all matter vibrates to a precise frequency and that by using resonant vibration, balance of matter can be restored.
Water is very sensitive to energy and even has a memory. And water has incredible power, as hurricane Katrina and Sandy reminded us. The water spirit is revered in many cultures as protector, giver of life and ultimate purifier. Tap into her energy by putting thoughts of gratitude into your drinking water, and prayers of love into your bath water. Opportunities for healing are always present for us, even (and perhaps especially) within the ordinary moments of our lives. -Mia Genis