
46 Pins
This contains: Smoothi, breakfast smoothie, smoothie recipe, healthy smoothies, healthy breakfast recipes, healthy breakfast smoothie, fruit smoothie, breakfast meal, meal plan, vegetarian recipes, healthy vegetarian smoothie, weight loss smoothie, healthy fruit smoothie recipes, vegetarian diet, smoothie for breakfast, smoothie for weight gain, smoothie for healthy life, healthy lifestyle, vegetarian diet,
🍓🥝 strawberry kiwi coconut chia pudding
Ingredients: - 3 tbsp chia seeds - 2 tbsp coconut shreds - 2 tbsp maple syrup - 1/2 cup milk of choice (coconut milk preferred) - strawberry and kiwi to top Add all ingredients to a bowl and refrigerate overnight. Top with strawberry and kiwi and enjoy!! This fun strawberry kiwi coconut chia seed pudding is bursting writhing flavor!! #healthyrecipes #healthybreakfast #mealprep #chiaseed #easybreakfast #breakfastideas #mealprepping #strawberry #kiwi #coconut
This may contain: some food is sitting on a plate with a spoon
Mango Crepe Roll
#koreanfood #koreanrecipe #foodphotography #foodplating #cake #cakerecipe #cakeideas #food #bakery #recipeideas #dessertfoodrecipes #dessertrecipe #dessertideas #mangocake #rollcake #cakerecipe #cakeideas #cakerecipeseasy #mango #softcake #cakeroll #fruitcake #appetizer #appetizerrecipes #crepecake #crepes
This may contain: sushi keto stuffed green peppers with chopsticks
Comida saludable, sushi keto
Clic aquí para descubrir recetas igual de deliciosas: -Créditos a la cuenta del tiktok: soycetogenica_
This may contain: a pan filled with pasta and shrimp on top of a table next to utensils
Pasta Alfredo con camarones
#fashion #aesthetic #smoothie #saludable #bebidas #skincare #infused #limpieza #limpiezafacial #salud
Smoothie saludable 📝💗
#fashion #aesthetic #smoothie #saludable #bebidas #skincare #infused #limpieza #limpiezafacial #salud