Working in English

If you use English at work and want to enhance your English as a student, you should keep this folder. It contains helpful tips to simplify your work with English and make your student life easier.
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Language Barriers in Job Interviews
Today’s workplace is international, which means that more and more people are learning English as a second language. It’s possible you have to interview someone who doesn’t speak English as their first language – but you don’t have to worry because we’re going to share some tips on how to get the best out of an interview with a non-English speaker.
Negative Feedback? No Problem! Use These Guest Service Phrases to Save the Day
Negative Feedback? No Problem! Use These Guest Service Phrases to Save the Day Negative feedback from guests can be a nightmare for any hospitality worker, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right set of guest service phrases, you can help turn a negative experience into a positive one.
5 Polite Phrases to Use When You Don’t Have the Answer in Hospitality or Service
When working in a hospitality or service based business, it can be difficult to know what to say when you don’t have the answer to a guest’s question. It’s important to stay professional and courteous, and the right phrase can make all the difference. In this blog post, we will look at five polite phrases that can be used when you need a few more minutes to find an answer.
How to Ask Better Questions in Service-Based Businesses
Are you an English learner looking to improve your ability to ask better questions in service-based businesses such as hospitality and other service areas? Asking good questions is an essential skill for effective communication. Knowing the right question words to use can help you get the answers you need to make informed decisions.
English Student Tips To Master the Present Perfect Tense in Business Situations
Mastering the Present Perfect Tense for Business Situations Are you looking to better understand the present perfect tense and how it can be applied in business situations? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll provide several examples of how the present perfect tense can be used in a variety of business contexts.
7 Customer Service Phrases for Dealing with Unhappy Guests
Customer service is one of the most important aspects of any hospitality or service-based business. Keeping customers happy and ensuring a positive experience is essential to ensuring their loyalty.
The English Student’s Guide to Turning a Negative Customer Service Situation Into a Positive One
Customer service can be a challenging experience, especially when you’re trying to communicate in a language that isn’t your native one. It can be intimidating to try and handle a negative customer service situation as an English student. But it doesn’t have to be!
3 Simple Tips For Writing Engaging And Respectful Emails In English
Writing emails in English can be a challenge for those who are learning the language. It can be difficult to show empathy and understanding without sounding rude or too casual. Luckily, there are a few simple tips for adults in business who use English to ensure their emails are both engaging and respectful.
Hospitality Employee? Here’s How to Politely Say No When You’re Pressed for Time
Are you a hospitality employee who often finds themselves pressed for time when dealing with guests? Knowing how to politely say “no” can be tricky, especially when English is your second language. Thankfully, there are certain phrases that you can use to ensure that you give bad news in a professional and respectful way. In this blog post, we’ll look at some helpful tips for saying “no” in a polite manner when time is of the essence.
Don’t just say no! How to offer suggestions or alternatives in English.
When it comes to providing service in English, it’s not always easy to find the right words. It can be especially difficult when someone has requested something that you can’t provide. Saying “no” is rarely the best option, but it can be hard to know how to offer a suggestion or alternative. In this blog post, we’ll be giving you some essential tips to help you offer suggestions and alternatives in English.
If You Speak English as a Second Language, Here’s How to Make Small Talk With Your Restaurant Guests
For many people who speak English as a second language, working in a restaurant can be a daunting task. Good guest service requires the ability to make small talk and engage with customers, which can be difficult for those whose native language is not English.
How to Sell More in a Restaurant: English Phrases to Upsell Politely
Are you an English student working in a restaurant? If so, you know that selling more is key in a restaurant setting. But how can you do it without sounding pushy? The answer is simple: use polite English phrases to upsell and increase your sales.
7 Ways to Say ‘Yes’ in Business With Assurance and Positive Reassurance
In the business world, being able to say “yes” in a confident and reassuring manner can be a valuable skill. After all, it’s a great way to show people that you trust their judgment, that you’re willing to take risks, and that you’re eager to move forward with projects.
4 Unforgettable Tips For Adults Using English in a Restaurant on Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a special time of year for couples, families, and friends to come together and celebrate their love for one another. If you are an adult using English in a restaurant on Valentine’s Day, it can be a tricky situation.
The Best Way to Recommend Something in a Service-Based Business
Are you working in a service-based business such as a hotel or restaurant, where you need to recommend something to guests but you don’t feel confident in your English skills? If so, you’re not alone! Recommending something that you think a guest will truly love or enjoy can be tricky, especially when English isn’t your native language. In this blog post, I’ll discuss the best way to recommend something in a service-based business.