geek cosas

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Omg someone spent their time making this and I love them for that XD
Eh.. Ah.
0chromat: a drawing i worked on , on and off throughout my day. It’s kind of partial vent art maybe.
63 Days 'Til Halloween: Zombie Window Silhouette Printables
DAVE LOWE DESIGN the Blog: 63 Days 'Til Halloween: Zombie Window Silhouette Printables
Darkangel armour by ElysianTrooper on DeviantArt
Darkangel armour by ElysianTrooper gun platemail cloak belt pistol cosplay costume LARP LRP armor clothes clothing fashion player character npc | Create your own roleplaying game material w/ RPG Bard: | Writing inspiration for Dungeons and Dragons DND D&D Pathfinder PFRPG Warhammer 40k Star Wars Shadowrun Call of Cthulhu Lord of the Rings LoTR + d20 fantasy science fiction scifi horror design | Not Trusty Sword art: click artwork for source