Classroom Management

21 Pins
Building Community and Confidence in the Foreign Language Classroom
Building Community and Confidence in the Foreign (World) Language Classroom (French, Spanish)
Participation Rubric for Language Classes
FREEBIE! Weekly Rubric for Target Language Use, adapted from World Language Classroom. This is great for evaluating student effort and commitment to growing in proficiency.
Printable Spanish Classroom Phrases - Posters from - Spanish Playground
These printable posters from MisCositas are a great way to support communication in the target language in a classroom. Lots of phrases and words kids need on a daily basis. These could be used as coloring sheets too or adapted for other activities. www.spanishplaygr...
Spanish class supplement, Supplement, Spanish activities, Spanish lessons online, online Spanish lessons, ACTFL, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, writing activities for Spanish classes
7 Spanish Clean-up Songs for Class and Home - Spanish Playground
Why Most Difficult Students Just Need Good Classroom Management Smart Classroom Management
Why Most Difficult Students Just Need Good Classroom Management
Why Restorative Practices Benefit All Students
Punitive discipline can be harmful and unfair—restorative practices offer hopeful solutions.
5-Minute Brain Breaks for the World Language Classroom - Secondary Spanish Space
5-Minute Brain Breaks for the World Language Classroom | Secondary Spanish Space. Fun, engaging, and easy brain breaks that you can do in the target language!
10 Ways to Sabotage Your Classroom Management
10 Ways to Sabotage Your Classroom Managment: If you are having classroom management problems, take a look at this article, which explains what NOT to do, and the more effective practices you should try instead.