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Crescent Dione from Cassini, October 11, 2005. Credit: NASA Thin crescent of cratered terrain is illuminated on Saturn's fourth largest moon, Dione. As it departed its encounter with Saturn's moon Dione, Cassini sailed above an unreal landscape blasted by impacts. The rising Sun throws craters into sharp contrast and reveals steep crater walls.The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency
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Small Foldable Tripod Dolly
Small fold-able tripod dolly. To make movies you usually need to move smoothly your camera on a flat surface, like a table or the floor. There are many commercial tripod dollies but you can easily make your own with a few wood boards and three wheels.
El gran libro de la fotografia
ISSUU - El gran libro de la fotografia de donmichaeI
Elementos clave para entender una cámara reflex #infografia #infographic - TICs y Formación
Elementos clave para entender una cámara reflex #infografia #infographic
Si vendes productos por Internet, un sencillo truco para hacer fotos profesionales de tus productos. - Negocios1000
Si vendes productos por Internet, un sencillo truco para hacer fotos profesionales de tus productos. - Negocios1000