Communist CCCP.

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an old russian movie poster shows a man in a suit and hat with his legs spread out
9/11 and the Fall of Mad Men
Stenberg Brothers. Russian movie poster, circa 1935 ●彡
a poster with a man standing on top of a ladder holding his hands in the air
Soviet Movie Posters of the 1920s
vintage everyday: Soviet Movie Posters of The 1920's
an old russian poster with some type of machine
Popova graphic design
Popova design for magazine cover Questions of Stenography.
an old poster with the words hammer on it
Russian avantgarde film posters
an old russian poster shows a train coming down the tracks
За реконструкцию транспорта. Дадим советскому транспорту новые паровозы! (И. Громицкий) Постер — Плакаты СССР
За реконструкцию транспорта. Дадим советскому транспорту новые паровозы! (И. Громицкий). Плакаты СССР
an old russian poster shows a man working on the construction of a train station in red and white
Николай Андреевич Долгоруков - Транспортник, вооружаясь техническими знаниями, борись за реконструкцию транспорта, 1931, 73×103 см: Описание произведения
Николай Андреевич Долгоруков. Транспортник, вооружаясь техническими знаниями, борись за реконструкцию транспорта
Grafica Rusa (15) Propaganda Typography, Propaganda Illustration, Currency Design, Modern Art Movements
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Grafica Rusa (15)
an old russian poster shows a man with headphones on and holding a giant pair of scissors
Sternberg Brothers Symphony of a Big City Mestres na arte de combinar imagens e letras no espaço. Apresentam elementos e artefactos da vida moderna, desde a câmara ao avião, criando a figura de um homem a reinar num arranha-céus como se de um instrumento musical se tratasse. (Livro) "The 20th-Century Poster Design of the Avant-Garde"
a large poster with an image of a man in front of a truck and the words kre - poniee on it
a poster with a fist raised in front of a cityscape and sunburst
Russian Constructivism by justuno on DeviantArt
CONTRUCTIVISMO: Posters de publicidad sobre el contructivismo, el cual uno de sus mayores exponentes fue Vladimir Tatlin el cual estaba en busqueda de un proposito social y de bien comun con estas publicidades. Tatlín iniciará este movimiento empleando materias y formas puras, cartón, vidrio, metal, con una practica formal y ordenando los elementos para realizar maquetas pertenecientes a la nueva vanguardia rusa.
a red and blue poster with yellow lines
Soviet space propaganda poster.
a poster with an image of a man in a helmet
Hasta el infinito y más allá
Rusadas: Hasta el infinito y más allá