Dia de actividades

80 Pins
La Búsqueda del Tesoro - Conexión SUD
Davis Family Blog
Book of Mormon Hero Camp Idea: my friend's primary did this in summer Lehi - set up tent Nephi - build a ship with styrofoam Enos - shooting w/ rubberbands Mormon - editor's job King Benjamin - Abinadi - talk fire safety Alma - talk about baptism Sons of Mosiah - meet missionaries Ammon - relay race gather cottonballs A.n.l's - bury something to give up Capt. Moroni - make title of liberty 2000 - have mom's sing to children Samuel - shoot with nerf guns Nephites - children si...
Activity Days: Your Happily Ever After (Part 1)
Activity Day Recognition Night - "Your Happily Ever After" by Elder DIETER F. UCHTDORF.
A variety of ideas for General Conference - I LOVE the paper doll idea and the watch for a before Conference reminder - "make time for conference". Might even be a fun thing to add to next month's VT message - make conference part of your daily life!
General Conference Activity Round-Up
Freshly Completed: General Conference Activity Round-Up
General Conference Mini Books (free download)
Mini General Conference booklets.
50 LDS Activity Day Ideas
50 LDS Activity Day Ideas at ldslane.com Thinking of you @Sarah Chintomby Chintomby Chintomby Vermillion Stevens
29 Dollar-Store Finds That Will Keep Your Kids Busy All Summer
29 Dollar Store Finds That Will Keep Your Kids Busy All Summer
10 Fun Backyard Activities for Kids
10 backyard activities kids love, water play, quiet play, science activities, art activities, … Great cross age outdoor fun in spring and summer for kids and for the whole family.
My Modest Fashion Collection
Wendy's Activities: My Modest Fashion Collection
Slice of Heaven Pizza Party (Developing Talents)
Activity Day Ideas: Slice of Heaven Pizza Party (Developing Talents)
Activity Days – Kolette Hall
Great resource for LDS Activity Day resources. Lots of Recognition Night ideas on here.