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Cozy Dual Monitor Workspace
The desk has been fitted with pastel-colored mechanical keyboard, mouse pad, and figurines. The setup features dual monitors with a Rilakkuma wallpaper. It also features hanging plants, chandeliers, and a slanted ceiling to make this working environment cozier. It is completed with a framed picture and a vase of red flowers on the desk. Credit: @risascloud #CozyDualMonitorSetup #CuteWorkspace #AestheticSetup #CozyDesk
40 Trendy White Desk Setup Ideas You’ll Love
Upgrade your workspace with these 40 white desk setup ideas. Bright, modern, and functional designs for small spaces, home offices, or gaming setups.Tap for more! #WhiteDeskSetup #DeskInspiration #HomeOfficeIdeas #ModernWorkspace #DeskGoals #MinimalistDesk