formal casual (Viernes)

Parfait Gentleman | Men's Fashion Blog
Men's fashion blog : Inspirational blog for men's wear, men's style tips. Daily updated.
Look de moda: Blazer a lunares gris, Camisa de vestir blanca, Pantalón chino marrón, Zapatos oxford de cuero marrónes
Comprar ropa de este look: — Camisa de Vestir Blanca — Corbata de Tartán Rosa — Blazer a Lunares Gris — Correa de Cuero Marrón — Pantalón Chino Marrón — Zapatos Oxford de Cuero Marrónes
I understand & wish to continue
#men #mensfashion #menswear #style #outfit #fashion for more ideas follow me at Pinterest @lgescamilla
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Patterned red shirt with blue pants #fashion #mensfashion #menswear #style #outfit
Parfait Gentleman | Men's Fashion Blog
Parfait Gentleman | Men's Fashion Blog