hardy geraniums

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Buy Rare, Unusual & Exciting Plants | Hayloft Home Page (Hayloft)
Buy Geranium Philippe Vapelle Online | Hayloft Plants
Geranium 'Azure Rush' - Dorset Perennials
Geranium 'Azure Rush'. Very much like the award winning G.Rozanne from which this plant is a sport, Geranium 'Azure Rush' differs in having shorter internodes and therefore being smaller in its mounding. This difference may take up to 3 years to be obvious as the two cultivar grow pretty much the same the first year with
Geranium 'Katherine Adele': Heavily mottled foliage almost completely purple flushed, with exquisitely lined pink flowers. Very tolerant of most conditions including dryish shade. 12"
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Buy dusky cranesbill Geranium phaeum 'Lily Lovell': Delivery by Crocus.co.uk
GERANIUM phaeum 'Valküre' - Storkenæb, farve: lys violet, lysforhold: sol/halvskygge, højde: 60 cm, blomstring: juni - juli, god til bunddække.
Wholesale Flower Bulbs and Perennials | K. van Bourgondien
Geranium x magnificum 'Blue Blood' More
Geranium 'Dragon Heart'
Geranium 'Dragon Heart' Pot size: 1 Litre Plant size: 45cm (18in) Growing condition: Partial - full shade Flowering season: June July August September
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Hardy Geranium Buxtons Blue - Single Flowering Hardy Geraniums - The Vernon Geranium Nursery. Flowers non stop from summer through to autumn!