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Learning New Vocabulary Words with Comic Strips - This Reading Mama
$ - 10 Writing Activities to apply to ANY vocabulary list! Go beyond memorizing words and ensure that students can USE them in the context of writing! Great for middle and high school English classes.
Increasing Nonfiction Reading with Article of the Week
Nonfiction can easily get overlooked in favor of literature in ELA courses, so using article of the week is a great way to incorporate more nonfiction readings. This #2ndaryELA Twitter chat was all about implementing Article of the Week. Middle school and high school English Language Arts teachers discussed how they implement article of the week in their classroom. Teachers also shared how they structure and mark student responses. Read through the chat for ideas to implement in your own clas...
Essays Every High School Student Should Read - reThink ELA
Essays Every High School Student Should Read – reThink ELA
How To Study For (& Teach) The FCE - 8 Top Tips! - The Teaching Cove
25 TED Talks for Your English Class
Nine Thought-Provoking TED Talks to Use in Your ELA Classroom Today
Ted Talks provide a wonderful resource for you as an ELA teacher. You can use them to launch a debate or socratic seminar. They can provide a prompt for writing. Or you can guide your students in writing and delivering their own Ted talk or organizing a TedX conference. Get idea for how to use Ted talks and which Ted talks to use in this post. #onepagers #tedtalks