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A shaman used the witch drum not only as a musical instrument, but also as a magical device, which he implemented in order to induce himself into a mystical "trance", and to seek wisdom only obtainable far beyond the realm of day-to-day reality. By singing and drumming he was able to reach the proper mood and feeling, preparing himself for a journey into the Underworld (Manala or Tuonela in Finnish).
Suppressed Histories Gallery
Saami drum painted with image of Mader Akka, great Mother and co-creatrix
© Robert ‘Standing Eagle’ Marshall -- Shamanic Journey Symbol, Front (Petroglyph) #1 (21Jun2001) -- I've been a tribal trained Medicine man/Shaman since I was 15 years old. This stone carving I made which depicts a "Shamanic Journey" Symbol used during ceremonies to aide in reaching a place of "wholeness/oneness" within yourself. — at Home Studio.
Female shaman. It is unlikely that females could become shaman until after they passed the age of menstruation. Therefore depictions of female shamans, identified by pendant labia, are rare. This female shaman is found in Big Petroglyph Canyon, CA.
Petroglyphs_Large Shield Men_ Galesteo Basin_New Mexico_MANN_001.tif | Charles Mann Photography
A dramatic wide-eyed shield man occupies a spot high on a volcanic ridge overlooking the Galesteo River Basin near the village of Galesteo, New Mexico, a few miles from Santa Fe. Photo by Charles Mann
Petroglyph_Shield_Man_Galesteo Basin_New Mexico_MANN_006.tif | Charles Mann Photography
Petroglyph of a headless shield man by the Anasazi people. Found near the village of Galesteo, New Mexico
Tsagiglalal, or "She Who Watches". This petroglyph has the face of a woman, painted on a rock along the Columbia River near the Dalles. It was created by the Wishram/Tlakluit Indians of the Chinook nation. Photo by Edward S. Curtis. 1910
The Kailasa Temple, an 8th century Hindu temple in Ellora, India. The structure wasn't built from the ground up, or even carved out of the escarpment wall. This temple was meticulously carved from a solid chunk of rock from the top to bottom. #WorldBeautifulPlaces #India
Dry Fork – McConkie Ranch //
Dry Fork – McConkie Ranch, Utah
Vernal Hiking Trails
McConkie Ranch (Vernal, Utah)--Fremont Indian petroglyphs