Work life

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Cómo retener el talento de la empresa #infografia #infographic #rrhh - TICs y Formación
Cómo retener el talento de la empresa #Infografía
22 Photos That Show Why Detroiters Love Their City
The People Mover might be kind of useless, but it sure is pretty.
Renaissance Center, Detroit, MI. Start and finish line for the two One Lap of America rallies that I participated in, 1985 and 1986. 1985 - 8,870 miles in seven days. 1986, a little less.
Nobody parties like Detroit on Opening Day
General Motor's world headquarters, the Renaissance Center, in downtown Detroit.
Pure Michigan
Renaissance Center in Detroit, MI, photo by Pure Michigan, via Flickr
Renaissance Center At Dusk by James Marvin Phelps
✮ Renaissance Center At Dusk - GM World Headquarters - Detroit, Michigan
Yahoo - login
GM Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan
GM outsources pensions, offers lump-sum buyouts
General Motors, Detroit, MI
General Motors - Detroit....but it started in Flint, Michigan! :-) and the land it is on near the RenCen used to belong to Grand Trunk
This is what gives GM a big competitive advantage in the US auto market | Business Insider India
gm general motors detroit
William C. Durant
Follow the entrepreneurial life of William C. Durant, founder of the General Motors Company, on
General Motors Company (GM) to Invest $5 Billion in Vehicles for Emerging Markets | Opptrends 2021
General Motors Company (GM) to Invest $5 Billion in Vehicles for Emerging Markets
New York Partners | Techweek
Contributing Partner - General Motors Company
FISITA 2012 CEO Roundtable, Jon Lauckner, General Motors Company
FISITA 2012 CEO Roundtable, Jon Lauckner, General Motors Company