Witch Tips

Tips to help you on your journey of witchcraft.
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What days of the week are ruled by what planets? — Emerald Lotus
What days of the week are ruled by what planets? — Emerald Lotus
How to Celebrate Mabon the Autumn Equinox | Witch Tips for Ritual
On September 22nd we welcome the second of harvest festival of the Wheel of the Year, Mabon. Mabon, sometimes called the Witches Thanksgiving, is a time of thanks, balance, and reflection. During this time we celebrate the Autumn Equinox. This is a time when day and night are of equal length, symbolizing balance and harmony.
Why Do You Keep Seeing the Same Angel Numbers?
Do you often see angel numbers? Have you ever wondered what the numbers are trying to tell you? Depending on your relationship with spirit/angels/the divine/etc. your messages may vary. But if you’re just starting out trying to discern angel numbers, here’s a guide to help.
How to Celebrate Yule Winter Solstice | Witch Tips
Yule begins on December 21st 2024, the Winter Solstice (the darkest day of the year) and lasts for 12 days. Yule is a pagan festival that celebrates light and warmth returning. It symbolizes the darkest days transition into the lighter half of the year. This festival honors themes of death, rebirth, community, charity and introspection. As we reflect on the year past, the darkness that surrounds us, and the light that reappears, it’s hard to avoid turning inward. The celebration of Yule has existed for many centuries. Norse and Germanic traditions are what bring us many of the classic themes we celebrate during Yule such as mistletoe, evergreen trees and holly.
The Magic of Candle Colors: Unlock the Power of Color in Your Spellwork
Candle magic is a wonderful form of witchcraft due to its potency and accessibility. With just a flame and focused intention, you can manifest your desires, cleanse your space or amplify your energy. The color of your candle can help you in your spell’s success. Each color carries its own vibration which you can choose to help aligns with your specific intention. Candle Color Meanings and Uses White: For purity, protection, and spiritual growth. Perfect for cleansing and new beginnings. Black: Used for banishing negativity, grounding, and transformation. Ideal for shadow work or protection. Red: Ignites passion, love, and vitality. Great for spells involving courage or romance. Pink: Enhances self-love, harmony, and emotional healing. Use for nurturing relationships or fostering...
Tips for Easy Ways for How to Celebrate Samhain Halloween | Witch Tips
On October 31st to November 1st at sunset, many believe that the veil between our world and the spirit world is lifted. We now celebrate our third and final pagan harvest festival, Samhain (pronounced SAH-win). Samhain marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, also known as the "dark half" of the year. Samhain is one of the most popular festivals of the Wheel of the Year, celebrated by many. Tips for Easy Ways for How to Celebrate Samhain
Money Spell Items for a Basic Easy Beginner Friendly Ritual
How can you attract money using witchcraft? Money spells are a great way. Just be careful while doing money spells to be sure to clarify with intention that you are drawing in MORE money with LESS work/effort. It’s important to be careful what you wish for and create balance and harmony. Some beginner friendly items you can use for a money spell: - Basil - Cinnamon - Bay Leaves - Coins - Paper Money - Charms - Green or White Candle
Human Design Aura Types Explained | Manifestor Generator
Human Design is a modern self-discovery system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. It provides a unique blueprint of your personality and life path, offering insights into your strengths, challenges, and how you interact with the world. Human Design helps you understand your unique design and how to live in alignment with your true nature. By following your strategy and authority, you can make decisions that lead to greater fulfillment and reduce resistance in life.
The Magic of Candle Colors: Unlock the Power of Color in Your Spellwork
Candle magic is a wonderful form of witchcraft due to its potency and accessibility. With just a flame and focused intention, you can manifest your desires, cleanse your space or amplify your energy. The color of your candle can help you in your spell’s success. Each color carries its own vibration which you can choose to help aligns with your specific intention. Candle Color Meanings and Uses White: For purity, protection, and spiritual growth. Perfect for cleansing and new beginnings...
What to put on your altar as a witch? | Witch Tips
What should you put on your altar as a witch? First of all, there are no WRONG items to put on your altar! It’s your altar after all. Whatever you feel called to put will work well for you. Keep in mind that you don’t have to keep your altar the way it is forever. You’re free to remove and add items as you see fit. As your witchcraft practice evolves, you’ll want to add different items to your altar. For example, you may feel more drawn to have plants or flowers on your altar at certain times during the year. You may decide to honor a deity and that may influence you to add offerings for that particular deity.
How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice | Witch Tips
How should you celebrate the summer solstice? Also known as Litha, the summer solstice is one of the best times of year to manifest. It’s great for performing spells to increase abundance, passion, creativity, health and protection. With the vital power of the sun at its highest point, we have the longest day of the year to embrace life. What can you do to celebrate the Summer Solstice? Here are some tips you can practice as a witch or spiritual being who wants to get the most out of this special time.
Human Design Aura Types Explained | Manifesting Generator MG
Human Design is a modern self-discovery system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. It provides a unique blueprint of your personality and life path, offering insights into your strengths, challenges, and how you interact with the world. Human Design helps you understand your unique design and how to live in alignment with your true nature. By following your strategy and authority, you can make decisions that lead to greater fulfillment and reduce resistance in life.
Human Design Aura Types Explained | Projector Reflector
Human Design is a modern self-discovery system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. It provides a unique blueprint of your personality and life path, offering insights into your strengths, challenges, and how you interact with the world. Human Design helps you understand your unique design and how to live in alignment with your true nature. By following your strategy and authority, you can make decisions that lead to greater fulfillment and reduce resistance in life.
Timing Your Spells with Day of the Week Magick | Witch Tips
Once question that is asked a lot in witchcraft is “What is the best time to cast my spells?” The realest answer is that ANY time you feel called to cast your spell is the best time. When you have the most intention and ambition for a successful spell, that’s the best time for you. it’s as simple as that. However, if you want to align with collective consciousness, then using specific days of the week to conduct certain spells can be quite helpful. READ MORE