Charm Casting

This contains an image of: What is Charm Casting? An easy form of divination to connect with your intuition 💫🦋🔮
What is Charm Casting? An easy form of divination to connect with your intuition 💫🦋🔮
Nature Symbolism | Charm Meanings in Charm Readings
What does this charm mean in your charm reading? Here are some interpretations for what certain charm symbols can mean in your charm reading. 🌳 Nature Charm Meanings 🌳 Wheat upcoming prosperity, harvest, optimism, hard work Web planning, interconnection of the universe, divine intervention, long-term plans Mushroom psychedelic, hallucinations, visions, nature, forest, growth, mystery, resilience, underworld Cloud celestial realm, sleep, dreams, angels, mystery, emotions Acorn good luck, abundance, planting seeds for growth, potential, strength, fertility Tree growth, home, family, playing the witness, observing, deep rooted, strength, forest baths Grass growth, renewal, tranquility, simplicity, connection to nature, roots, connection, foundation Fire illumination , passion,
Home Symbolism | Charm Meanings in Charm Readings
What does this charm mean in your charm reading? Here are some interpretations for what certain charm symbols can mean in your charm reading. Home Charm Meanings Racket physical movement, changing direction, activity, competition, mastery, strategy Clock time passing, energy being put in, era, time period, specific time of day, time wasted, time management Glasses seeing clearly, fragile, sensitive issues, strong beliefs, need to review something Broom sweeping under the rug (avoiding), cleaning, chores, hearth, cleansing, witchcraft, ceremonial magick
Animal Symbolism | Charm Meanings in Charm Readings
What does this charm mean in your charm reading? Here are some interpretations for what certain charm symbols can mean in your charm reading. Animal Charm Meanings Elephant wisdom, good luck, experience, loyalty, companionship, obstacles being removed Snail slow, defence, protection, sensitivity, self-reliance, home, moving Dragonfly
This contains an image of: Charm Confetti Scoops for Divination and Charm Casting
Charm Confetti Scoops for Divination and Charm Casting
This may contain: a wooden box filled with lots of different types of buttons and charms on top of a table
Charm Casting Easy Intuitive Divination for Beginners & Advanced
Charm casting is a form of divination, where you assign individual charms meanings and then based on where they fall on your casting space (cloth, table, box, etc. See other listings for casting cloths) they will provide insights into different aspects of your life!
This may contain: a person holding up a small jar in front of a potted plant with flowers on it
Pisces Tin of Charm Confetti 💫🪸🐠🔮
This may contain: a hand holding a triangle shaped pendant with an all seeing eye on it
Charms for Charm Casting ✨ Emerald Lotus Mystic
This may contain: a bowl filled with lots of different types of metal buttons and magnets on top of a table
Valentine Charm Confetti 💫💌♥️ Aphrodite Cupid Divination Witches
This may contain: a person holding a ring on top of a red box filled with silver and pink jewelry
Charm Scoop used for Charm Casting & Charm Reading Divination
Learn Charm Casting Ebook {Digital Instant Download} — Emerald Lotus
This may contain: someone holding up a gingerbread house card
Unique Charm Advent Calendar 🎄🎁 Holiday Advent Calendar
These limited Charm Advent Calendars include 25 unique enamel charms. This advent calendar will have a mix of Christmas, winter theme, and random charms!