Hecho en casa

Antique Fork Bracelet Size MEDIUM 6-7 Inch Wrist Heart Design Numer 3 - Etsy
i love this- it's a fork!! =]
This site could be very dangerous! It has a million DIY projects! Pin now read later....and don't blame me if you become addicted to this one! This is the mother load of DIY!!!!!
Make Water Balloon Candle Holders » Dollar Store Crafts
really cute and easy
Tub Cleaner - vinegar and dish soap, no scrubbing! Heat 1/2C white vinegar in m'wave for 90 sec, pour int spray bottle. Add 1/2C BLUE Dawn dish soap. Shake gently to mix. Spray on surface, let it sit 1-2 hours. Just wipe it away then rinse with water. Should also take soap scum off shower doors.