exponte 2019

12 Pins
10 Juguetes para hablar de física
Actividades, juegos, experimentos, manualidades e ideas para los más pequeños y para toda la familia. Para sacarle el juego a la vida.
My bulletin board for Fizz, Boom, Read! Kids get a game piece (rocket ship or robot) and move up the potions' bubbles as they read.
Would make a great front table for the fellowship hall. Time lab VBS
Magic Milk Science Experiment | Little Bins for Little Hands
Magic Milk Materials Set Up Classic Science Experiment
Experience the Magic of the Hovercraft Science Experiment
You need to try this with your kids, it will be a hit. My kiddos are always asking for hands on science activities, even if it’s one we have done over and over like this Hovercraft Science experiment project.
Static Electricity Butterfly Experiment
Science Fun for Kids - lots of fun hands on science experiments for kids to explore the world around them. Great for preschool, kindergarten and homeschool elementary kids.