Body work

4 Pins
165K views · 28K reactions | The first thing I do when I wake up everyday..My daily dose of healthy movements.. Be sure to save this simple routine. Do these first things in the morning, come back and thank me later.. The reason you’re feeling stiff is because those muscles and joints aren’t moving and being stretched daily. Just give it 5 minutes a day for the next week and see how you feel! Each one for 30-60 seconds.. Have a safe practice 🧘‍♀️. : : Save try & share ❤️ Follow @snehayoga.bliss 🙏🏻 #yogadaily #yogamom #yogateacher #morningroutine #mobility #yogalifestyle #healthylifestyle #explore #explorepage #snehayogabliss #trendingreels #indore #india | Sneha Mohit Agrawal
165K views · 28K reactions | The first thing I do when I wake up everyday..My daily dose of healthy movements.. Be sure to save this simple routine. Do these first things in the morning, come back and thank me later.. The reason you’re feeling stiff is because those muscles and joints aren’t moving and being stretched daily. Just give it 5 minutes a day for the next week and see how you feel! Each one for 30-60 seconds.. Have a safe practice 🧘‍♀️. : : Save try & share ❤️ Follow @snehayoga.bliss 🙏🏻 #yogadaily #yogamom #yogateacher #morningroutine #mobility #yogalifestyle #healthylifestyle #explore #explorepage #snehayogabliss #trendingreels #indore #india | Sneha Mohit Agrawal
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