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BePrepared Top-Selling Entrées Kit’s Greatest (& Tastiest) Hits, All in One Kit Our customers have voted (with their wallets) and the results are in: these are the meals they buy more than any others! The BePrepared Top-Selling Entrées Kit includes an emergency food variety that thousands of customers come back to again and again.
Faraday Cage - Who Couldn't Use One?
What Is a Faraday Cage? Also known as a Faraday shield, radio frequency cage, or EMF (electromotive force) cage. Simply put, a Faraday cage is an enclosure built to protect electronic devices from electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) that can overload and fry them. A Faraday cage be anything from a small box to a large room, covered with conductive metal or wire mesh, which prevents surges from damaging the equipment inside.
Faraday Cage - Who Couldn't Use One?
What Is a Faraday Cage? Also known as a Faraday shield, radio frequency cage, or EMF (electromotive force) cage. Simply put, a Faraday cage is an enclosure built to protect electronic devices from electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) that can overload and fry them. A Faraday cage be anything from a small box to a large room, covered with conductive metal or wire mesh, which prevents surges from damaging the equipment inside.
EMPs and the Total-Nation Blackout
Will an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) big enough to knock out all power in the US ever come? Most definitely. Will it actually put us in total-nation blackout? It depends on who you ask. There are a million doomsday theories out there—now more than ever, with the Internet—and many of them need to be taken with a grain of salt. There is one scenario, though, that’s had a bad rap in times past, but that's very much worth taking seriously: the threat posed by electromagnetic pulses (EMPs).
Top 5 Most (& Least) Prepared States in the US
As things in this country have gotten increasingly uncertain, LOTS of Americans—numbering in the millions—have stepped up their prep. Across our industry, there are more folks stocking up on emergency food, water, and gear than we've ever seen (and we've been around since 1987, so that's saying something).
Pandemic Pallets
With a second wave of coronavirus potentially upon us, one question is gripping the preparedness community: could grocery store shelves empty out again like they did last spring?
Pandemic Pallets
With a second wave of coronavirus potentially upon us, one question is gripping the preparedness community: could grocery store shelves empty out again like they did last spring?