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"Marocco” Monumental Collection, Картина - Maria Buduchikh | Artmajeur
"Marocco” Monumental Collection, Картина - Maria Buduchikh | Artmajeur
Larry Bell's glass cubes mimic California light and fog
Larry Bell has created a series of boxes with translucent and coloured glass designed to evoke the morning fog that rolls in from the coast of California.
Georges Rousse cria ilusões de ótica usando apenas cores - FTCMag
#Momentum, 9' x 14' x 2', mild steel; © #MattMcConnell #arquitectura #architecture #efimera #ephemeral #inspiration #inspiracion #creatividad #creativity #estructura #exhibicion #lineas #negro #ondas
40 Astonishingly Life-Like Figurative Sculptures
Astonishingly Life-Like Figuratives Sculptures (10)
How the Five Skandhas Build Our Sense of Self
Starting with form and ending with consciousness, the five skandhas describe the mental process by which we build an increasingly solid sense of self. Above: “Building 1-5,” 2013, cast iron, by Antony Gormley. Photograph by Stephen White.