Gut Health

Digestion is the root of health. Science continues to back-up this ancient truth through endless research and study of the human microbiome. We are more bacteria than human and the good bugs need to be fed. Our immune system also depends on a healthy gut lining. Cultivating gut health improves memory and mood because of the gut-brain connection. Learning more about how to enjoy life an live fully right here!
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Thank you @closecallstudio for this graphic! A huge shout out to @nicolewalters for her awesome leadership. If you haven't checked her out please do! . . Weight lifting Takes Commitment & so does the ongoing work of #blacklivesmatter as we consider the next 5-10-20+ forever years of solidarity. . . Some have a choice to do the work of unlearning racism. This is white privilege. Others have been holding up very heavy weights that hurt them since before they were born. . . If we can do our own
Your Microbiome and Metabolic Issues
What is the link between the microbiome and metabolism? These are two of the most important aspects of health for prevention of serious illness especially this winter!
Heart Health 101
Recently my dad had a simple procedure that had him in critical care with an irregular heartbeat and kidney failure. He bounced back and now has better care than ever before. There is a place for pharmaceuticals and there is also a need to review them regularly. Many people come to me because they want to increase their health so they have less need for other interventions. Often a few simple changes make the world of difference.
How to Increase Thyroid Function
Thyroid health is an important indicator of health. It’s good to get checked regularly and specifically ask for a few key markers that are often missed especially if you have certain symptoms. Weight gain, feeling cold and hair loss are a few. Learn more in the full article linked in my bio. #thyroid #thyroidhealth
Stomach Acid & Iron Deficiency
Three patients recently reported acid reflux as well as severe iron deficiency. Their symptoms included anxiety, poor exercise recovery, fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, depression and insomnia. Hypochlorhydria or low stomach acid is the underlying cause of reflux and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). . . A person can be taking in enough iron from food and supplements but their low stomach acid could be the problem. Lack of digestive capacity means malabsorption of nutrients. It can als
How to Resolve Reflux Naturally!
1. Find out if you have infections. Work with someone you trust to treat these infections. Antibiotics are not necessary. Depending on the infection herbs and nutraceuticals are effective and do less damage. They also support function by having more than one action. 2. Use betaine HCL and raw apple cider vinegar to stimulate stomach acid production. Take this before meals higher in protein. Lemon juice can be helpful as well but more so by increasing iron absorption by providing vitamin C.
Orgasm, particularly female orgasm, is the best way to trip our bodies out of a high cortisol or hypervigilent stress response. . . A PET scan shows the area of the brain that regulates fear, stress & anxiety goes completely dark in women. Male orgasm doesn't produce the same result. . . An early study on stress focused on fight & flight but more recent research shows women bring down stress through connection. . . Women's orgasms last longer & the calm that ensues allows a reset of the stress
On staying connected...parenting alongside friends reminds me how we are wired to be in community. . . Three ways I reconnect are through art, activism & wilderness. This weekend I celebrated my birthday with all three. . . If it's through discomfort that we grow then parenting can be a fast track. Agree or disagree? What are some others? . . Sleeping on the forest floor in the rain, having an uncomfortable conversation about racism or nudging my son along with his music... . . We are the cre
Low thyroid & estrogen can decrease brain function resulting in annoying symptoms. Having trouble with mental focus? Brain fog or memory? . . These hormones impact mood, energy & brain health. Thyroid affects metabolism & weight. When it's low everything slows down. You might feel cold. . . Estrogen lowers appetite, makes you more social & increases libido. When it's low so is energy & focus. Building muscle becomes more difficult. . . Chronically high stress can have a downstream effect on b
Human Rights or Just For The Haves? . . . Access to clean air and water, healthy food and limiting exposure to environmental toxins are human rights. . . Unfortunately they have become privileges because of how our system is set up. Socioeconomic status, education, physical environment and race are the real factors defining health. Here’s why: . . * Wealthy neighborhoods have 3/4 times as many grocery stores than poor areas. Access to nutrition in food deserts is difficult. . * People living
Gotta keep this going. The biggest civil rights mov't. How are you organizing? Let's share! . . Advocacy & education has been my focus always. Stepping it up around access to health & medical care for BIPOC in the coming months/years. Supporting, listening. . . Continuing to unpack my white privilege & having these conversations with the kids in my life as well as the adults. . . Domestic violence hit our community hard this week. I am calling the police out. They failed to save this woman
Women of colour are at higher risk of unnecessary surgery & forced sterilization really happened. WOC die in childbirth 4x's more often. Constant vigilance results in a heightened stress response, epigenetic changes & metabolic disease. . . Our medical system serves whiteness & maleness. It's time for change. In the meantime women are dying because of bias & complacency. BIPOC more so than anyone. . . Women with chest pain are dismissed in the ER even though heart 💔 disease is our number cau
DO NOT Hashtag black lives matter today. If you did take it down. It's messing with the algorithm making it harder for the movement. We are at a critical moment & need to listen. We need to #amplifymelanatedvoices . . Make space for black voices. We need to listen. Act. And do more. The world is on fire because people are hurting and have been for far too long. . . Each of us can challenge our own invisible and not-so-invisible privilege, bias & our part in the racist agenda which we all pa
This is all of our problem. Today my son learned that police murder people because of the colour of their skin. Last year a police officer terrified him by yelling at us when he pulled me over. But I'm white and learned long ago a few ways to deescalate police. Because I'm white I don't fear police the same way my black friends do. I also can talk to them in a way my black friend's never would. Witnessing the interactions of police used to work. It didn't for #georgefloyd People of colour