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Daisy’s for days 🌸 Sweet, simple, peyote stitch bracelet made using Loomerly 😍 #jewellery #loompatterns #patternmaker
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You can finish a pair of easy, bargello earrings in the time in takes to watch a movie 😎 Perfect craft idea for anyone! The Rhiannon kit and pattern are available now!
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We are doing this to HAVE FUN not to be perfect, and no matter what the back of your project looks like, it’s OK because what’s important is that you’re enjoying the process. ✌️ THAT SAID, in projects where the back of the work will be visible I do understand that some people might choose to make the back look as neat as possible. So, here are my tips for making the back of your work look almost identical to the front… If you’re into that kind of thing 😉 ✨Shown here, our Rhiannon Earrings.