
37 Pins
DIY Bejeweled Photo Collage Letters
Learn how to make DIY Bejeweled Photo Collage Letters on "Sparkle and Shine" - they're the perfect gift for your big, little, or best friend!
DIY: Interesting And Unique Hanger For Earrings
Dream catcher diy One day when I get time! this is sooo smart for a college dorm to hang jewelry
17 Easy And Colorful DIYs That Are Perfect For Spring
Brighten up a white mug using tissue paper and dishwasher-safe Mod Podge.
Fancify your cheap flip flops with some ribbon and beads.
Fancify your cheap flip flops with some ribbon and beads. | 31 Creative Life Hacks Every Girl Should Know
Glitter Starbucks Cup - The Paper Mama
Such a good idea! DIY Starbucks Glitter cup!
Just A Stone's Throw A Way ... click to pick your favorite agate slices and DIY a pendant necklace.
Cute and easy $1 washi tape crafts
Create these washi tape dry erase frames for a buck! #DIY #crafts
26 Clever And Inexpensive Crafting Hacks
Making a small bow using a fork. For slightly larger bow, use a large serving fork...heck, I may try to find a pitch fork so all my bows will be perfect instead of wonky!
Inspired by These Pottery Barn Weddings - Inspired By This
DIY KIDS: Easy To Make! Would love to do this with my siblings and the kids I babysit!