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Diseño de Logotipos
My go-to sites for graphic design inspiration. Check em out or click through to read full post!
Creative Mindly
Blog sobre diseño de blogs, tutoriales, diseño gráfico fácil para principiantes, freebies y ayuda al pequeño artesano y handmade.
macaron template
Macaron template. Print out and slide under parchment when piping macarons for perfect, easy circles.
Domain Details Page
I really like this idea as it definitely would look better than the paper bags you can buy flour in. Or even the tubs.
How to Print Photos on Wood (Wax Paper Transfer)
transfer any image onto wood using only an ink jet printer and wax paper
DIY: Pringleskoker vs. Wattenschijfhouder . Foto geplaatst door chicbrocante op
DIY this Classy Cotton Wool Disk ( make up remover) Holder from a Pringles Tube. Painted and decorated with glue on rhinestones (*^ー゚)b
DIY Glossybox jewellery box (@Glossybox Brasil Brasil UK) | Step by step tutorial at